Here I am again. Back to work after a long break of 3 months. I've just joined an open source integration company last week. But for the chaotic traffic I have to put up with in Bangalore, so called silicon valley of India, it feels good to back at work. Especially when you like the job you do. Open source has always been of interest to me for the last 5 years and this is definitely a good break. I hope to learn a lot of things which will add value to my entreprenuaral ambitions.
Well, to start with, I was given a HP laptop with a popular linux installation called UBUNTU. Trust me it's a fantastic operating system as an alternative to Microsoft's XP/Vista. It's very user friendly.
However, my manager insisted I get a Redhat Linux installation to help with some product testing (can't understand why I should test on my desktop when test servers are available). So, had to get Redhat Linux installed over UBUNTU. The engineer who did it, I believe did not restart the machine after the installation was done.
I brought the laptop back to my desk and was trying to configure a printer. Nope. It wouldn't allow. The application just hangs. Then I tried to open a couple of spreadsheets. Openoffice just hung there on the initial screen.
Then, one of my colleague recommended a reboot. Lo. The Microsoft magic works here as well. No wonder Microsoft is complaining about patent issues to the Linux community.
Well, that's it. If you are stuck starting Open office or any application for that matter, try this out. Reboot the machine and try starting again. In all probability it would work.
Have a good day.